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Do you have an idea for a unique wall art photograph? We can make it for you!


Our high resolution images cab be printed large with fine art quality.

This image is typical of all the images displayed on the website and similar in resolution to the Digital Download Small file. This image is 400 px wide. The Digital Download Small files are 1,200 x 800 px.

This small piece of a Digital Download Large image shows the detail available. This sample is 400 px wide.
The Digital Download Large files are 9,504 x 6,336 px.

Book: Garden Color in Palo Alto

Walkabout in Palo Alto, April, 2022

All of the spring flowers are blooming in Palo Alto. Each page in this book is an attempt to capture the wonderful color and texture of these flowers and blossoms.
The facing pages show an overview of the garden and a close-up view to display the amazing growing detail. You may see a bee or two that are part of the action.
I hope you enjoy the collection. If you are interested, enlargements of individual images can be purchased as digital files or as archive quality prints or other formats.

Big Images

Beach in Kennebunkport, ME, July, 2019

Maine has a beautiful rocky coast. When the tide is out, this sandy beach is very large. It's a good idea not to fall a sleep too near the water edge though. The incoming tide will raise the water level more than five feet. This image can be printed up to 8 feet wide with more than 200 dpi resolution. Need a different beach scene? Let us know.


Glencoe Highlands, September, 2019

Glencoe Hills and Hiking. This is a very popular hiking and rock climbing area. Check the Glencoe images in the Archive to see some of the famous comments related to climbing here. This is a big image suitable to be printed up to 9 feet in width. The cloudy sky was a daily occurrence on this trip. This is a magical place. I wish we had more time there. (22,223 x 11,610 px.)


A rickshaw ride in Arashiyama, April 8, 2019

It was a beautiful day walking around in this old town. Cherry blossom time was in full bloom. Many traditional dressed women and men were enjoying the warm sun and cool breeze. This series of images include: Togetsukyo Bridge, Katsura River, and more in Tokyo. I'm looking forward to our next visit.


The below image is from a series taken in E. San Jose Foothills.

This spring day shows a rich green covering of grass everywhere. Recent rain activity caused the blooming. Other images in this group are from the dessert, and construction activity. I'm planning more drone photography activity now.


Auto Week in Monterey 2019

All of these images were shot at the Gooding Auction in Pebble Beach, CA on August 16. This amazing collection of automobiles sold for more than $76 million. 176 vehicles were sold. Ferrari represented the largest share of high dollar sales. The top sale went to 1958 Ferrari 250 GT LWB California Spider for $9,905,000. Several images are included of this beautiful automobile.

My favorite vintage race car competed in the 1913 and 1914 Indianapolis 500. See the red 1913 Isotta Fraschini Tipo IM (sold for $2,645,000.). The power to the chain drive comes from an engine design based on an airplane engine. Every vehicle has a story - look here if you want more information - www.goodingco.com/results/realized/?cat=64

About Me

Born and raised in Michigan, now living in California for more than 30 years. Photography is a passion for me and has been for most of my adult life. From film to digital and now with drones, I love to use the amazing digital technology to make interesting, thoughtful and engaging photographs.

Please take a look at this collection of art projects and news events. If you love an image, you can buy a high resolution photo suitable for framing. Click the Ordering Tab for more information.

Early in my career, I worked as a design engineer for General Motors. My love for automobiles, motorcycles and basically anything with wheels has grown from that experience.

Various software development and research activities fuel my current passion for web-based hosting of photography.

If you have an idea for a custom project on the ground and in the air, please let me know. Drone photography is provided with FAA Remote Pilot certification (part 107). News worthy events will be covered when good photo journalistic opportunities occur.

Photos and Digital Files Fair Use

Michael Seely Photography, the sole copyright owner of the photos/images, gives full permission to the person purchasing the photo or digital image to reproduce the image. This reproduction may take place at any service center or by any means they may have at their disposal.

Photo usage is limited to personal items such as Photo Prints, Albums, Books, Mugs and T-Shirts.

Fair Use permission does not include commercial purpose such as retail or commercial advertising. Images may not be resold in any digital or print form either alone or incorporated into any form or production, publishing or marketing. If commercial use is needed, please contact us to make the necessary arrangements.

Please use the Contact form with any questions.

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Adding links for Instagram, and more asa needed..